Removal of warts at home

Warts are non-inflammatory skin diseases. They resemble small tumor-like formations ranging in size from 1 mm to 1 cm or more. The appearance of warts has a viral etiology (they are caused by the activation of the human papillomavirus). This article explains how to get rid of warts.

removal of a wart on the arm


Why do warts appear on the body? As already mentioned, these formations appear on the skin due to infection with papillomavirus. Infection occurs at the slightest damage to the skin (with various cuts, scratches, as well as by direct contact with a sick person or by sharing infected objects). The following factors are favorable for the activation of papillomavirus:

  • impaired immunity;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent contact with virus carriers;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • visits to the pool or sauna;
  • tight shoes of low quality;
  • increased sweating of feet and palms.

Warts form on almost all areas of the body (legs, arms, face, head). The incubation period is 2 - 5 months.

Types of warts

There are the following types:

  • Common - such warts appear on the hands (on the back), on the fingers, scalp and also on the face. They look like dense round knots with a rough surface.
  • Flat (or juvenile) - are small yellowish nodules that have a rounded shape and a flat surface and protrude slightly beyond the level of healthy skin. They usually appear on the face and hands, they are often found in school children and adolescents.
  • Pointed - located in intimate places, has the appearance of cauliflower, dark-flesh-flesh or brown, sexually transmitted.
  • Plantar warts most often appear on the foot. They are painful, callus-like and consist of filiform papillae surrounded by significant corneal layers.

How to remove warts yourself?

Any formation on the skin may be malignant, so you should consult a dermatologist before starting treatment, especially in such cases:

  • if the wart hurts, bleeds, has changed shape or color;
  • if the wart is large and disturbed;
  • if the formation is located on visible parts of the body and is the cause of psychological discomfort;
  • if new warts appear all the time.

It is worth noting that improper treatment can lead to malignancy (degeneration into malignant forms).

What can you do at home?

After consulting a doctor, it is recommended to use one of the special chemicals sold in pharmacies and help get rid of warts quickly. Before applying any pharmaceutical preparations, it is recommended to first steam the skin in warm water with soap and soda and then remove the stratum corneum using a nail clipper. Salicyl ointment is often used to soften the plantar wart. To do this, apply it to the formation and cover with an adhesive plaster. For some time, the skin is evaporated in water and the keratinized areas are removed. All chemicals specifically designed to control warts must be used strictly as directed.

What are the means to treat warts?

The following tools are extremely effective:

  • A solution containing phenol and m-cresol. The drug causes coagulation of proteins and has a cauterizing effect. It also causes necrosis of pathological formations and exfoliation of areas of hyperkeratosis, promotes death of viral cells and enhances epithelialization. The main indications for its use are the removal of warts on the palms and feet, getting rid of dry corns, genital warts and common warts. The specified solution is used exclusively externally. When applying pathological formations, care must be taken so that the medicine does not get on healthy skin. Failure to do so may result in burns. Depending on the type of wart, either a single application or an application of 5 to 10 times is necessary. Side effects include allergic reactions and the appearance of edema at the application site. One of the features of using the solution is that it is not recommended to use other drugs in the form of ointments before and after application.
  • A cosmetic product consisting of potassium and sodium alkali. When applied to warts, it leads to their necrosis. Before use, lubricate the healthy areas of the skin around the wart with a cream to prevent burns. It is quite easy to remove a wart with this remedy. It is enough to apply only one drop of it to the pathological growth every day for a week. Then the treatment is stopped. In cases where the wart remains, reuse.
  • A drug for cryotherapy - getting rid of warts with this tool is one of the methods of cryotherapy. Basically, a single use of the drug is sufficient. To get rid of the buildup, the drug applicator must be pressed to the surface. This freezes the wart. During the procedure, there may be a slight burning sensation or tingling sensation, bleaching of the skin.
  • Transparent gel - removal of growths on the skin using this tool is done due to its antiviral effect. It comes in the form of a gel that needs to be applied twice a day for 20 days. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and size of the pathological formations.
  • Patch. Its main active ingredient is salicylic acid, which helps to soften the buildup and its easier mechanical removal. In addition, this patch contains sulfur, which penetrates deep into the skin and together with salicylic acid gives a keratolytic effect. How to remove a wart with a patch? You must first make a warm foot bath, dry the skin with a towel and glue a patch of the required size firmly on the growth. The plaster is left for two days, after which the adhesive plaster is removed, the wart is soaked in warm water, the softened layers are removed (for this you can use a pumice stone). Then dry the skin and apply a new adhesive patch. This treatment regimen is repeated 3-4 times. In some cases, longer treatment is required.

Since the appearance of warts is associated with a decrease in immunity, it is also recommended to take immune modulators as well as antiviral drugs to eliminate the most important etiological factor - the human papillomavirus. If the therapy methods described are ineffective, they resort to laser removal of the formations.